Our membership of the Deslog group and in particular our collaboration with Destock Logistique enable us to carry out all documentary and customs formalities on your behalf, both for import and export. Destock FCL is an important and recognised player in its customs clearance activities, with its qualified teams and significant credits, we know how to respond to all “Import and Export” requests.
We put all our knowledge to work in order to advise you efficiently during your import-export operations and to become your privileged interlocutor with the French Customs Administration. Our willingness to concentrate on the accomplishment of Customs formalities makes us one of the rare transport operators specialised in the application of and compliance with Customs regulations.
Specialised services

- A team of qualified and certified customs declarants
- Une offre de prestation en Douane complète adaptée aux besoins des Exportateurs et Importateurs : toutes opérations
Import/Export/Port logistics, intra and/or extra EU (third countries), customs clearance on trucks. TIR carnet (according to the regulations of each CRD), temporary exports/imports with the possibility of hourly shifts 7 days a week (with prior appointment) - Warehouses in bonded areas
- Advice and permanent customs assistance: simulation of liquidation, advice on how to calculate import duties and taxes
- import duties and taxes…
- Management of handling operations in our warehouses
- Real-time monitoring of your goods
- Modern means of communication (EDI)
- A single contact person
- Storage and archiving of documents
- Customs clearance in all French ports and airports In France.